
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Post Script

I found a very nice tool in Vista to snip and post a rough outline of our trip. It's called "Snipping tool" and it allows you to convert any part of a page into a .jpg file. Very handy. You can click on this image, and most images in the blog, to get a larger view.

I wanted to correct an earlier post to say we had declared the big trip to have begun last October, while at the Southernmost Point of the U.S. That adds a few days and a few hundred miles to the totals posted before, so we can round off the distance to about 9,000 miles and three months of travel. We sure had fun.

I've enjoyed writing this blog so much I will try another. See which will try to show you how to build a new computer. It will get technical so it may have the added virtue of curing insomnia. Your comments are welcome.