
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Walked Our Feet Off!

Chicago has a very comprehensive transit system, and for $14 you can buy a three day pass to get unlimited rail and bus rides. So equipped, we set out to see the city today. Our objective was the Museum of Science and Industry with it's OmniMax Theater but we got into that neighborhood so late we decided to check out downtown instead. We are pondering staying one more day to deplete the last ounce of sight seeing energy in our bones, and this would be a very good place to exhaust ourselves.

I grew up in Washington, D.C. and then worked there until I was 44. At that point in my life, I was ready to retreat to the quiet elegance that is Naples but I have to admit, a big city vibrates with energy that I miss and they have great food, pizza in particular. We get our occasional big city fix in Miami but Chicago has so many things to see and do I will be sorry to leave, only having scratched the surface. It has the best mix of shopping, parks, water, museums, and nice people I've yet see in any big city. This trip may serve as the appetizer for a future, longer visit. I think a week would be good. Two weeks would be seven days too long.
I'm not tempted to move mind you. This place will be downright un-hospitable in December when I'm swimming in our sub-tropical, Naples pool. There are problems too. It gets hotter and colder and windier, and they have traffic that makes any Neopolitan traffic jam look like a day at the beach. If you go too far into some of the South Chicago neighborhoods, a bullet proof vest and a side arm might be appropriate wear. There are over 500 murders here a year. Still, I've enjoyed our stay and would like a longer visit next pass.

We had another sample of Chicago Pizza tonight and found it to be wonderful. I do wish someone would import the recipes to Naples.

1 comment:

jacksaul said...

Harry, if you are still in Chicago, try Pizzeria Uno for really great pizza. Located at 29 E. Ohio st
Phone 312-280-5120