
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gettin' Outta Dodge!

Theresa and I are sitting in Clark Motorsports, Garden City, Kansas while Vernon and Shawn wrestle with the big rear wheel on our bike. The braking performance had deteriorated over the last few thousand miles and with the Rockies in front of us I wasn't wanting anything that was not at 10/10ths performance. This is also a good time for an oil change and some TLC to all the nuts and bolts that can be reached on the lift.

We enjoyed our visit to Dodge City and hope to get to Canon City, Colorado by dark.

On the road this morning we passed some guys on bicycles who were riding from Virginia to California! Made me feel a bit wimpy. We paced one of them and asked about their ride. It seems they are raising money for medical research. Parkinson's, and such. Very noble. I wish riding the motorcycle would get me into that kind of shape. Alas, the work of sitting and turning the radio knobs, with occasional adjustments to the cruise control just won't burn many calories. I did wash the bike a few days ago. Maybe that burned off enough calories to offset one Pepsi, but I doubt it. Calories are hard to burn. I'll be curious at the end of our ride so see a net gain or loss in my weight. I do intend to loose a few pounds on the trip but good food and beer keep getting in my way. Darn!

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