
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another Bump In the Road on the Highway to Happiness

This was a beautiful day of riding, right up to the accident. Nothing fatal and I hope no permanent injuries but we sure took some painful lumps today. We were on a country road, so desolate we only saw one car every couple of miles. When we approached the intersection a slow moving farm truck pulled directly in my path and because of the gravel covered road surface I could not avoid him. I think my front wheel hit the truck's back wheel and we tumbled onto the ground. We were able to stand up under our own power but when I had a sharp pain turning my head to the right I allowed that medical attention was needed. Theresa suffered some painful road rash and some bruising. I worried my neck was broken, although after an ambulance ride to Bear Lake Memorial hospital, some 30 miles away, my fears were allayed when the CT Scan showed all the parts were still there and apparently working. Tonight, after wonderful treatment by the hospital staff, we will try to sleep in donated hospital scrubs on really cool hospital electric beds. Things could have been much worse. I hope we will be able to resume our ride tomorrow, or at worst in a few days.

I feel very grateful that neighbors who were on the scene immediately took care of the motorcycle and trailer and have volunteered to pick us up from the hospital tomorrow. Police and an EMT appeared in minutes. The guy in the truck seemed like a really nice man, and he admitted passing the yield sign. He even called the hospital to see if we were OK. I suspect he's a stand up guy who simply didn't expect us at that little traveled intersection. Accidents happen.

Jack Strom asked why were were not in Zion or other parks south of Moab. the reasons are: It's very, very, very, hot, and we are so saturated with beautiful scenery we allowed ourselves an alternate choice. That probably the way Hugh Hefner feels when he takes a day off from the Playboy mansion. Additionally, my brother Bob, his wife Marcia, and our friends the Hamiltons have just finished their trip to the Calgary Stampede and hoped we could meet with them in Yellowstone. With the thermometer topping 100, this plan had appeal. Bob, if you are reading this we will call you from the Tetons in a day or three.

In other news, we met a guy building a dragster snowmobile today. This thing has wheels for runners and a special tread, made for an asphalt drag strip. It can go 60 feet in 1.1 seconds and does the 1/8th mile in 6 seconds at 100 mph! The small turbocharged 600 cc engine puts out 200 hp. the ones they race on ice with spiked, no slip treads are even quicker!
I suspect we will be hoteling more that riding for a few days. I'll have time to update this post then.


Unknown said...

Hey guys, hope all turns out well. Thank God it was on that country road and not an interstate. Looking forward to an update. Two weeks from today Ann and I are getting hitched. A great life ahead. We are so enjoying your journey, not like you are but it is fun to keep track. Now, keep the rubber to the road.

jacksaul said...

Heal quickly Harry and Theresa. You're right, it certainly could have been much worse!! Where is Bear Lake.? Haven't found it in my, admittedly, compact atlas.

Harry and Theresa Hanbury said...

Hi Jack,
Bear Lake is in the Southeast corner of Idaho. bear lake memorial Hospital was in Montpelier, ID. they took us there as it was the nearest to Cokeville, WY with a CT Scan machine. Nice people there too.