
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dinosaurs, Rocks, and Roads

We started our day by visiting the Dinosaur Museum in Fruita, Colorado. This is the kind of place I'd have been happy to live in as a kid. They have lots of hands-on stuff, great movies and demos. they even have a lab where scientists pry dirt from bones, rendering clean, useful fossils. We watched a Discovery Communications Documentary on dinosaurs. We always search the credits for our son's name, he worked for them for several years and did some dino documentary stuff. Not this particular film though.

Theresa looks like her head is about to be bitten off by what we figured must be a boy dinosaur.

Next we headed to the nearby Colorado National Monument. We enjoyed two short movies, a lecture and began our ride on the best 27 miles of the trip, so far. We stopped an nearly every overlook. This is very much like the Grand Canyon but in my humble opinion, better, because of the accessibility. You drive right into the landscape and get up close and personal with the park. You could spend days there but we wanted to press on to Moab, Utah before darkness fell so we took a couple of hundred pictures and headed West.

We had no expectation that Utah would be devoid of gas stations until we turned onto the desolate Route 128. The gas needle was hovering at about 1/4 tank and the sign said "No
services Next 58 Miles". Oops! I checked the GPS and found the nearest station was more than 30 miles to our rear so I explained to Theresa that since we were dragging a camping tent, water, cold sodas, and a little food in the trailer behind us, we could press on knowing we could camp if needed until someone brought us gas. Anyway, we would probably make it as long as nothing went wrong, and worst case, we had enough mace to discourage the bears, wolves, and coyotes. With that assurance, she got a bit testy, but we did make it to Moab where I pumped just over 5 gallons into the thirsty Honda. I think I have a one gallon reserve so we were only in imaginary jeopardy.

The ride through Canyonland was impressive beyond imagination. I'd post some of the hundred or so pictures but, like pictures of the Grand Canyon, they fall way short of our in person, experience. I'll close with one typical photo. Long day. very tired. Must sleep...

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