
Monday, July 20, 2009

The Repairs Begin

Like some old nudists, the Gold Wing looks better when dressed. We spent some time in the shop today trying to figure out which parts merited replacement from the accident. It is impossible to assess the damage with all the plastic covers, AKA Tupperware hiding the mechanicals of the bike. After stripping it nude, Russ, the mechanic was able to make a list of the damaged parts. Coming tomorrow by Fed Ex are fork tubes, seals, headstock bearings, crash bars, clutch hydraulic line and a few other miscellaneous parts. If all goes well we should be Teton bound by noon Thursday. My brother Bob, his wife Marcia and friends, the Hamiltons, should be able to meet up with us by Friday in Yellowstone. Then Sturgis for some rowdy relaxation.

Being grounded in Afton gives us a chance to see what small town life is like. The people are very nice, everyone either knows you, knows of you, or is your cousin. We live in Longshore Lake, a gated community of 560 homes, or about 1500 people in Naples, Florida. Longshore would fit neatly into anyone's farm here with room to spare. This town, Afton, counts 1818 residents for an area about the size of Naples, which last I heard, was nearing 500,000! My new friend Rocky Moore says Wyoming is too crowded already!

Afton has great tasting and very cold water right out of the tap. In fact the tap water is so cold it hurts to wash your hands unless you blend in some hot water. The water supply is from the lovely periodic spring from yesterday's post. They are proud of their water and someone said it was judged to be the third best tasting in the world. The 1st and 2nd are in Japan, she said. My friend Gary says the water in Eufala, Alabama is the best tasting, and I guess it is the best I've had. To test their claims I went to Berkeley Springs, where the International Water Tasting Competition is held. It looks like both lost out to Clearbrook, Waterworks District, British Columbia. Sorry.

The air here is very dry, 26% today, as low as 2% in winter. It will dry your skin and make your boogers as dry as sawdust. It's hard to blow your nose.

Most people here seem to have all terrain vehicles, (ATV), or snowmobiles as winter transportation. The weather here today is beautiful but winters can be very harsh. Although the terrain is lovely, I suspect the weather is the main reason for the small population, just over 500,000 for the whole state. I'll judge it a nice place to visit but for pleasant year round weather I'll take Naples.

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